TITLE OBTAINED Deportivo Technologist Summa Cum Laude 2014
Bogotá D.C.- Cundinamarca 2017
TITLE OBTAINED Integral artist of circus and varieties 2017
Participation in the VII Laboratory of Circus Research, Dramaturgy and Creation (2018)
Entity: El Bufón del Tiempo La Casa Artística
Title: Artist and Workshop Member
Immediate boss: Patricia Ines Leal Villamizar
City: Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Time worked: January 1, 2008 a October 28, 2010
Made services:
- Mochila Cantora
Work: Navidad Es Querer Workshop aerobatic service in fabric and makeup artistry. 2008.
Work: Navidad es Querer Workshop aerobatic service in fabric and makeup artistry. 2008.
- Fundación Escuchar El Silencio
Work: El Pescador de Sueños Workshop juggling and aerobatics in fabric, makeup artistry and service. 2009.
Work: Tejiendo Vida Workshop stilts and aerial acrobatics on fabric, and hotel guest artist and artistic makeup. 2010.
- XVIII, XX y XXI National and International Arts Festival of Folk Culture “Invasión Cultural a Bosa” Bogotá, Colombia 2007,2009 y 2010.
- IV National Meeting of Theater, Puppet and Mime “Gesto Vivo” Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia 2009.
- VI Meeting of Theater for Children “Más Allá de los Cuentos” Caracas, Venezuela 2009.
- Performance in the T.V. series “De Corazón a Corazón” IV Season Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, 2007.
Entity: Proyecto Mictlan
Title: Artist and Workshop Member
Immediate Supervisor: Ingrid Liliana Delgado Bohorquez
City: Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia.
Time worked: January 1, 2011 a December 15, 2012
Made services:
- Instructor theater in the Centro Integral Chiquitalentos: June 15 to December 6, 2011.
- Instructor theater Logos College: February 10 to November 20, 2012.
- Participation Comparsa Abrapalabra 2011 Inaugural Festival 17.
Entity: Fundación Escuela Nacional Circo Para Todos
Title: Artist and Student
City: Bogotá
Time in the foundation: October 1, 2.015 – December 17, 2.017
Made Services:
Work: Clausura 2015 Artist.
Work: LIMBO Artist 2017.
Work: Soy Colombia Artist 2017.
Independent services
- Air Dance Instructor in Silks Danzazul Training Centre Dance: 2009, 2012, 2013 and 2014, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.
- Juggling instructor at the Escuela de Cuerpo en la Fundación Amanecer: October 15 to December 15, 2011, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.
- Aerial Dance Instructor at the College Fabrics in Las Americas: February 11 to 25 November 2013, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia.
- Aerial acrobat, tightrope artist and Chinese yoyo company Imperial Circus Cardona: 14 February to 03 May 2015, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
- Artist in Aerial Tissue, Diábolos, Chinesse Pole and Rolla Bolla in the Circo Internacional Latino Producciones Hermanos Cruzado, July- September 2018