Adagio&aerial duo 221
Name: Misha, Iryna
Height: 183cm, 173cm
Date of birth: 17.06.1994, 11.01.1996
Country: Ukraine
City: Kharkov
- 2014 Trainer in pole dance school
- 2015 The National Circus of Ukraine (Chinese poole )
- 2016 China Circus ( Aerial Silks duo and Adagio )
- 2017 Working in hotels in Turkey ( Aerial Silks Duo )
- 2018 Korea Seoul " Lotte World " ( Aerial straps duo )
- 2018 Working in hotels in Turkey ( Aerial Silks duo and Aerial straps mans solo)
Additional Information:
Performing genre: Aerial silks duo, Aerial straps duo and mans solo, aerial ring (solo woman)
Perhaps: Aerial pole, pole dance, Chinese pole, adagio, cyr wheel