Marina is aerial acrobats, adagio, acro dance, professional dancer, actress.
Languages: italian, spanish, english, portoguise.
Wagner is aerial acrobat, adagio, acro duo, model, actor.
Languages.spanish, portoguise, italian, english
-degree in art, dance and teather
Marina started study dance at age of 4 (ballet, lyrical, jazz, duo,acro duo dance, salsa, caraibic dance, tango, burlesque, belly dance, afro dance, samba, lambada). she starting study circus arts at age of 17.
Wagner has a degree in sport and physical education, he was an athlete untill when he was 22, he was a professional wolley player after he starting study circus arts.
-Marina and Wagner specialized their circus background in aerial teqnique, aerial solo and duo, adagio and acro duo at the international school of circus of Cuba (havana)
Aerial,adagio duo and body fast painting.
She is aerial acrobat/acrobatic duo/professional dancer/fast painter/actress/burlesque performer.
He is aerial acrobat/acrobatic duo/model/actor/performer.
They are an european couple of artists and and we do aerial and floor acts.
They are interested in long and short contracts and gala, cruise, theatre, cabaret, dinner show and tv programs and circus. We are really friendly and we like working in a team. Their purpose is to astonish our public with unique props,stunning costumes,technique,choreographs and theatre.
They lates contract:
They can do aerial acts on the chandelier, silk or hoop in different version: romantic, sexy and vampire’s stile with tango (we do the same act also on aerial silk or straps). They have also two new special props, the aerial ballon full of cristals and the aerial frame.
They can do aerial show with elio’s balloons. They don ’t have any problems in change our costumes or music for adapted the act to the show.
They have own winch certificate for work in theatre,cruise,circus and it be able to lift people.
aerial chandelier duo
aerial silk (duo and solo)
aerial hoop (duo and solo)
aerial frame (solo)
body fast painting act (visual act)
Acrobatic tango
Acrobatic latin act
Water ball